Jul 10, 2009

Where To Get Big Discounts On Dentures

Are you in need of new dentures? It can be difficult to find affordable dentures, especially if you are in an extremely rural area of the country or are on a fixed income. There are a few options that may be able to help you, one of which is called a dental discount plan. Let me explain further.
Dental discount plans offer affordable dentures by giving their plan members discounts from ten percent to as much as sixty percent off the usual cost of dental care. Of course, these discounts will vary depending on the plan that you choose and the area of the country that you reside in. Dental discount plans are not insurance policies! This is where some people get confused, but it's really very simple.
Dental insurance won't cover many cosmetic dentistry procedures unless you've held the policy for an extended period of time and sometimes not in full or not at all. Also, insurance won't cover any need that is "pre-existing". This means that if you need affordable dentures right away that dental insurance is not your answer because you'll have a waiting period of at least twelve months before the policy will pay any portion of the cost. Even then you'll be looking at paying half or more out of your own pocket.
Dental discount plans allow you to see a dentist within 1-3 business days and receive a big discount on your new dentures. I've seen some dentures that are discounted as much as 40-60%. Once again, this will depend upon where you live and which discount plan you choose. You'll simply find a participating dentist in your area, pay a low annual fee to join, individual or family and make an appointment. Pay your provider the discounted rate in full after each visit and you both win big! If you're in need of affordable dentures, then dental discount plans just may be your best bet.
Do Dental Discount Plans Really Save You Money or is Dental Insurance The Way To Go? Find Out The REAL Truth by Visiting http://www.Discount-Dental.net or by clicking on Affortable Dentures. Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.
Contact us today!

ENGLISH (619) 482-3265

* White Smile Center
* Tijuana, Baja California

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