Dec 18, 2009

The Poor Fitting Denture Problem

Wearing dentures is one of the most common methods of solving teeth problems. However, they also cause certain problems, especially when they become loose. While dentures don't change over time, people's mouths do. With these change comes fitting problems. It is important to employ proper care and to visit the dentist on a regular basis to keep a healthy oral hygiene and to make sure your dentures remain in good shape.
Problems that can arise from poor fitting dentures vary and the causes are different, too. With age, the gum ridges in the mouth are likely to shrink, causing dentures to lose their grip and become loose. For the same reason, the jaw bone can also shrink, causing the jaws to keep out of line and result in ill fitting dentures. If loose dentures are not taken right away to the dentist for fixing, changes in facial features could set in. On the more serious side of things, sore spots in the mouth may develop, causing problems in chewing and in overall digestion.
There are tell-tale signs of times when dentures must be replaced at the soonest possible time. If you are haven't worn your dentures for some time now because they are causing you some discomfort, then your dentures most probably need some adjusting. If you think you are having sores because of your dentures, then you most probably have to take your dentures for some check-up. If your mouth is acquiring more saliva than usual, then your dentures may have come loose and need to be tightened. If your teeth are suffering from decay and/or pain or if you think you have a periodontal disease, then you have more reason to see your dentist right away.
While taking proper care of your mouth - your teeth, gums, and tongue - is advised, it is not enough to avoid problems with poor fitting dentures. Taking proper care of your dentures can help them become intact and stay in good shape for a long time. Just like your teeth, gums, and mouth, you should not forget to brush your dentures regularly, particularly after every meal. Food particles and plaque should be removed. If you take out your dentures, you should remember to keep them in water or in a dental solution. Your dentist can tell you the right temperature for the water and which dental solution to use.
You might be tempted to fix or repair your dentures by yourself. Don't give in to this particular temptation. A dentist is well-equipped, not to mention qualified, to make the necessary repairs or adjustments to your dentures. A dentist has materials available only to dentists that are designed specifically to fix dentures. You can find many over-the-counter products advertised for the treatment of poor fitting denture problems. However, these products contain harmful chemicals that can cause more damage to your dentures. Instead of wasting your time, effort, and money on fake products, make an appointment with your dentist and let him do the work. offers more information about dentistry as well as comprehensive reviews of dentist Brighton and dentist Essex. Visit our web site to get more information about local UK dentist.

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