Nov 26, 2009

How to Make Your Loose Dentures Fit Better

Did you know the history of dentures (false teeth) can be traced all the way back to the 15th century? Back then, false teeth were made of many different materials such as: hand carved animal bones, animal teeth, human teeth, flint, hardwood, whalebone and elephant ivory. String and gold wire were often used to anchor the teeth in place. Of course, those primitive false teeth were quite crude and uncomfortable and they were only worn "for show" or when appearing in public. We are told those ancient wearers of artificial teeth always removed their teeth when eating. What's more, many false teeth wearers made it their practice to leave the dinner table when food was served and they would then go to a private room where they ate only soft food or soup in a place where no one could watch them.
Centuries ago there were many cruel and even brutal ways to relieve the pain of persistent toothache and tooth extraction. But, over the years, the methods of taking care of teeth have gradually improved. Today, the treatment of teeth and mouth problems has become a respected profession.
Now a days a modern dentist, after extracting the teeth of his patients, will have prepared a denture ahead of time and will immediately fit the patient with new almost perfectly shaped and fitted upper or lower acrylic plastic dentures. The dentist's reason for putting these new artificial teeth in place so soon is simply to make it possible for the patient to walk out of his dental office and immediately resume life's normal activities including: eating, talking and smiling.
However, here is what happens a few days' weeks or months after getting new dentures. For a while, the wearer finds the new artificial teeth to be quite efficient and reasonably comfortable. But, what most new denture wearers do not realize is that our body's way of reacting to the removal of the natural teeth is to begin a very slow, never-ending process of shrinking. That shrinking process slowly changes the shape of gums jawbones and even the lips. Sooner or later, the denture that once fit so perfectly, because of this constant shrinkage, will get loose to the point where it can become quite uncomfortable to keep in the mouth - even when eating. Soon the dentures have far less support, stability and retention than what is needed for the wearer's comfort.
For example: I can still remember how my father "wore" his upper denture in his shirt pocket. Then at suppertime, he would turn his face away from the table and very quietly and carefully put his denture in his mouth so he could chew and eat his food properly. Soon after the meal, he took his teeth out of his mouth and put them back in his pocket. One time I asked him about this and he said: "Terry, if I keep my dentures in all the time, they are so loose I get sores on my gums, and beside that, the denture may even make me to gag or cough. So to avoid all of that discomfort, I simply take the denture out and put it in my pocket. There are times when I feel like I want to throw the denture away, but, since I still get hungry three times a day - I just have endure wearing my false teeth whenever I eat or visit with people."
Now that I am a denture wearer, I know exactly how my father felt about his very uncomfortable denture. But, here is the good news! I have invented a way to salvage, that is, to give new life to my denture and at the same time make the denture far more comfortable to wear all day - and not just when I'm eating.
You see, when your denture is loose, that means the denture has no stability and rather poor retention. To correct these problems you should not have to spend money to visit your dentist or even buy a new denture. In addition, to have a more comfortable denture you should not have to pay your dentist to have your denture professionally re-lined every few years. Instead, you can now make your denture fit like new again by simply lining the upper surface of the denture with my new soft, pliable denture liner compound. You put the liner on the top surface of the denture and it adds some thickness that is designed to compensate for all of that natural gum and bone shrinkage. In short, the liner "fills the gaps" left by the shrinkage. This low cost denture liner requires no mixing and you can add the easily shaped liner to your denture in the privacy of your own home in just a few minutes.
The pleasant result is, you will have a much more comfortable denture with much improved: support, stability and retention. At the same time, there will be no more hiding or "wearing" your denture in one of your pockets. There are many benefits to having dentures that are comfortably secure such as: you can enjoy eating again, you can bite apples and corn on the cob, you can chew your food the way you used to chew it with your natural teeth.
Best of all, since you have now found this easy way to make your denture fit better with this liner, you will discover that you: feel better, look better and have the confidence to give everyone you meet one of your big beautiful smiles!
Terry Weber is a retired advertising/direct mail sales letter copywriter and inventor of several useful items. Terry and his wife Doris are Habitat For Humanity, RV Care-A- Vanners who, for the past eight years have volunteered to help build more than 39 houses all over the USA. They travel to and from the 2-week long builds in their RV. The money they make on their website: helps them pay their expenses to and from those volunteer Habitat builds.
P.S. Due to the high cost of gasoline and some health problems we can no longer drive the RV to Habitat builds. The RV is parked until health improves and gasoline prices come down.(4/28/06)
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ENGLISH (619) 482-3265

* White Smile Center
* Tijuana, Baja California

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